I have to admit that most people don't get me. There are times that I start to not get myself but that's probably just because I let things bother me and wonder if they might have a point. In truth there really aren't all that many alternatives. You either live life like it matters or you sink deeper and deeper into self-absorbed apathy with each passing year.
You could call it a symptom of parenthood, wanting to create a better world for the next generation. I don't think that's it. That wouldn't explain all the years prior to now.
Much more likely, the disconnect is that people who are born and raised, and more than one generation in to a democratic society tend to take democracy for granted. They live in a false sense of security that this is the best of all possible worlds and surely the most logical so why bother defending it when it reason and common sense defends it for us. Horse shit!
Democracy is a fickle lover. While we sit and ponder and debate anybody who has subscribed to a different doctrine and believes in it with gusto is a threat to our way of life. Even our constitution will not protect us in a democratic society because it is entirely democratic to re-write the constitution to favor Sharia Law for Canada. All it would take is enough votes and the way current trends are moving, this won't take long to accomplish.
It used to be that what attracted people to Canada was a new and better way of life. I don't care what country or culture you come from, this was a universal fact. But somewhere along the line that changed. It became a safe-haven for terrorists in training and now I'm becoming convinced that they leave where they are from not to escape political and theological oppression as much as to bring their own back into the fold and enjoy a more humane climate (it's less hot here for most of the year). A few years ago there was an interesting little article about this being a preferred destination to escape unbearably hot Summers back home.
There is a silent war taking place on Western culture that is eroding and destabilizing the false security that has been enjoyed in North America for as long as Europeans were the chief source of import of new blood. Entire schools are being taught in languages other than English or even French because there is enough of a population to bear it, and they don't understand English or French all that well anyway.
Ask yourself, if they don't learn English, what else are they not learning. More importantly, what are they being taught?
Before you get your back up too much in reading this, ask yourself when is the last time you went to a minimum wage fast food outlet and saw mostly brown girls women behind the counter doing a lot more chatting and laughing (and not in English) and a lot less promptly serving the customer. They get to you, but after they finish their conversations. Ask yourself also, doesn't it seem like there are a whole bunch more people behind the counter than you were used to seeing but the service has gotten slower? If you haven't noticed it yet, just wait a little.
These aren't even the early signs that the face of North America is changing. It changed. A while ago. What are you going to do about it common sense is not waht you were brought up to believe it should be.