Toronto is a city full of potential. Every once in a while I decide not to take the highway and realize how absolutely HUGE and diverse the place really is. There is so much to love about it and no real reason for why it should be so absolutely base.
In truth, somehow with all of its potential it is a constant disappointment. It's like a really clumsy person trying to hit a nail on the head and banging up their own nails instead. How else can you explain the constant questionable choices for Mayor?
Rob Ford... really? Wow.
There is definitely something to be said for getting what you ask for. The front runner against Ford is Smitherman. I still can't forget the diaper incident. It is a shame that he didn't go through with his offer to wear one. If you are stupid enough to need to conduct a scientific experiment instead of just logically understanding that subjecting grown adults who deserve much more than this in their aging years you should get to feel some diaper rash. These are the people who used to change our parents diapers and now we can't offer them even an ounce of compassion. Revolting. Go Smitherman!
I still remember the Bare Naked Ladies not being allowed to perform for Barbara Hall and the hell that was raised because Mel dared call in the army to help dig out the city. If they aren't off fighting a war why can't these dudes help dig out the city? Was that really so wrong? Young able bodied men and women helping the community. Shameful! I can't imagine what he was thinking. He was probably the best Mayor the city has had in ages and they still talk about the stuff he did to put us on the map.
And what about David Miller? Not once. More than once. They'll never learn. At least he did the right thing and not run again after the garbage strike. Why isn't waste disposal and essential service? Really?
Toronto should be the kind of town that is always buzzing, always alive regardless of the time of night. Just like Manhattan. It has so much potential. But it is boring and full of ignorant people who keep electing the most dysfunctional people they can find.
Of course they should elect Rob Ford. He is a prime example of the kind of moral leader that should help determine the future of the city and help revitalize the business community. Help stem the population drain and pull it out of its financial woes. Here is a man who can pull together a council divided.
Bravo Toronto. If it weren't for you there would be absolutely no hope for growth and development in the surrounding areas.
Thanks to your wise decisions places like Brampton, Milton, and even Caledon have a real chance at taking advantage of economic growth and development. We will gladly take your refuse (those being the truly wise business leaders who see the potential in the 905 and really can't stomach the stupidity that prevents Toronto politicians and voters from understanding that it is a city that should do what it can to welcome SME business and home owners with open arms rather than encouraging them to leave as quickly as possible).