There are a few fundamental truths to life and one of them is that if you are lucky enough to grow old you are likely to watch many of your friends and loved ones leave you. Each year brings a smaller inner circle until eventually you are surrounded by mostly strangers.
Twilight years deserve dignity and the arrogance of youth is rarely forgiving enough to adequately pay it forward. So, although it would truly be a perfect world if people realized that as a society we have a responsibility to care for the young, old, and infirm, we do not live in a perfect world.
How fortunate then that there are people who spend their days returning even a shred of human decency to those who have long since earned their place in this world. Organizations such as Caledon Meals on Wheels serve an essential function within our community, especially since geographically there is sometimes a tremendous amount of space between people who can no longer get around as well as they used to.
This coming Spring the SouthFields Village Voice will be putting on a fundraiser for Caledon Meals on Wheels. The event will include local artists, musicians, and an auction, as well as a fine meal. Proceeds will go to this worthy organization who should and must be supported by those who one day may very well be glad for their services.
If you are interested in helping organize the event please contact the SouthFields Village Voice.