In reality, Hedy Lamarr, the first woman to take off her clothes on screen also pioneered the mobile phone way back in the 1930s. I could bore you with the details (actually not at all boring) but I'll just let you read about them:
I could understand the nimrod seeking notoriety for missing that day in film class but what is Peter Mansbridge's excuse? Shouldn't somebody at CNCnews have caught this one?
This technology simply didn't hit the market as broadly as it did in the recent decade or two simply by virtue of the public not being ready for it. This is the same thing that happened with ATM and credit cards. The market simply couldn't bear it.
Even if the cell phone was not a real one keep in mind that this was a Charlie Chaplin movie premier and if you look at the clip closely enough you'll see that the person one the "phone" knew they were being filmed and flashed a smile at the camera.
If Chaplin or Lamarr could hear today's news reports they would die laughing.