This was the case with Christmas and this was the case with Halloween. The Christians took over existing holidays and moved their own to match the date. They weren't actually lying, just bending the truth a bit.
Christ was born in July, or was it June? Does anybody really care about that little detail anymore? Hollow's Day wasn't on November 1st either. Ah, but if the pagans could believe in multiple gods, what was one more thing to believe in.
We are in a similar war now. As long as we are permitted to go along with our way of life, to a point, we are lulled into this false sense of security that life is as it should be and there is nothing to be concerned about. Still, little by little the idea of democracy and western beliefs, particularly the belief that women are people and equally able to think as men, these are all things that are fading into the realm of censored history books.
Freedom of thought is a dangerous thing because with that comes the freedom to debate the rights of others. Ultimately, those who should least have the right to debate human rights are the ones who will make the decision because they are militant and resoundingly convinced that some people are indeed more equal than others.
Public schools are now teaching classes in Hindi or Punjabi because the majority of the class understands that better than English. What then of those whose mother tongue is English? If people move to Canada it should be to live in Canada. At some point the demographic has shifted because most of the people who immigrated over the past decade have been from the East.
At first and for a long time they struggled as the 'visible minority' but now minority is no longer applicable. They are the majority and with that comes the privilege of not having to care anymore. So with each election comes more change before legally and demographically I no longer have a say that matters.
This is not about skin color or religion. This is about human rights and the right to be recognized as human. Democracy is not a sustainable political model. At some point, government has an obligation to defend the rights of all of its citizens. That's called the Canadian Constitution. The trouble with Democracy is that we have the right to revoke our own rights and freedoms.
"Those who forget the lessons of history are destined to repeat it."