Friday, December 24, 2010

Why people write blogs

Blogging is a the modern day equivalent of shouting from a megaphone. It has made anybody with a computer and internet connection able to vent their views with little to no cost, or repercussions. After all, there are so many blogs out there that the majority of them go unnoticed, anyway.

When the commercial machine caught on that some people do get read, people started to think about how to capitalize on the phenomenon. So, just about every corporation runs a blog. In a way, this has replaced newsletters as a means of communication because it affords a more personal and immediate way of spreading messaging that fall between the restraints of quarterly reports, etc.

But the fact remains that for the most part, this is a glory project. When somebody writes a blog they are basically writing in their journal or diary. On some level they expect their little brother to find it and on another they are completely trusting of the fact that only benevolent eyes will ever fall on their words.