Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and whatever else is now upon us and children, as they do, are starting to ask questions. It's always interesting to read what people have to say in answer. What really is the difference?
Back in Russia we always had a New Year's tree. We didn't know it had anything to do with Christmas until setting foot on Canadian soil. Every variety has some sort of holiday of lights associated with it.
Basically, it's cold. It's dark. There is less food, less energy to do anything, and not as much to do outside (that is immediately obvious). It takes longer to do the things that you can do when the weather is nicer and the sun is out in full force.
So, is it not just plain old human nature to try and put a smile on things? That's basically what it boils down to. All of these holidays are just an excuse to enjoy family, friends, and life in general. They are also a time to be thankful for what you have and to remember those who have less.
None of us can take it with us, despite what the ancient Egyptians believed.
So, no matter what your race, nationality, or religion. Good day to you and enjoy all that you have.