If you follow Twitter and you don't follow Rick Mercer, you probably should because chances are most of your friends know the exact make-up of his favorite sandwich. Either him or Bob McKenzie. Bob seems pretty popular, too.
By contrast, most of us don't give too much of a fig about what our elected officials have to say. Take our favorite Police Chief cum federal MP. This is completely not like the US, where political leaders are followed more ferociously than Hollywood celebs. Then again, if you believe what you watch on TNN, Hollywood really does control what goes on at the White House.
Still, Canada does see to be running like a well-oiled machine these days so maybe we are right to not listen too avidly to what our tight-lipped PM is issuing. Harper took a country that was in much need of discipline and applied an admirable amount of father knows best.
Now, this is slightly different from the 'papa knows best' of our Ontario leadership. When is this guy going to finally get the boot? We seem to have a love affair with Dalton McGuinty. Most people couldn't care less what he says and keep giving him the right to keep saying it. Then again, we might find ourselves with another Bob Rae. Now there is a guy who is much better at teaching and writing books than doing. Ontario used to be a smart pick.
Moving right along, more people follow Michael Ignatieff than they do PM Harper. At the end of the day, just because they want to listen to him talk doesn't mean they want to vote for him.
I'll Harper over Obama, any day. Oh, how the mighty have fallen and knew that they wood. Leadership really shouldn't be a popularity contest, strictly democratically speaking...