Went and had a coffee date with my favourite man today. Sat at a cafe and watched him devour a chocolate cheesecake as I pondered how to approach the article for the next issue SouthFields Village Voice.
The title is 'The end is nigh, hide your women' and really is about the rebirth of the divine feminine.
By all accounts something big is coming down the pipe. Strange things are happening that people are unable to explain, and with ever increasing urgency. Still, it does not mean that human life is about to be obliterated.
So, I say to this lady in the cafe: pardon me (she was reading so I figured she was an 'intellectual' of sorts). But, how many women profiled in one magazine is too many. I explained why the question and her response was: god help us if that is the case. Women were not meant to rule. We are good at many things but holding positions of power over men is not one of them.
I was struck at this thought. She went on to elucidate that men are our protectors and it is not our role to dominate. We are best in their servitude. I had to check my long calendar on my watch to find out what century we were living in.
I am not a militant feminist by any means but it is not about subjugation. For sure there are followers and leaders but true feminism is not about that. It is about being treated as a human first and not being prevented to be regarded as such simply because of your gender. It is not about pigeon holing yourself into a predefined role because we are the weaker sex.
I said to her: look at Sparta. It was the women who kept things running. In every culture when men go off to hunt women are left to defend the homestead, nurture, and care for the young. Never mind childbirth, etc. Her response: oh, I don't believe that. Men are off doing what men do and women are protected by god.
... huh? At best, is she saying that men are in no need or are simply not protected by god (by her own logic).
I smiled, said thank you and walked away.
But is this my audience or is this what the great flood was meant to wash away as it renews the earth for another few thousand decades?
In the course of our dialogue she said: the end is coming, that's for sure. But it won't be this December. It is up to god to decide when the end of times will come. ... in other words, not in my backyard, and I am going the heaven anyway... don't know about you my heathen.
Okay, I'm still writing about the divine feminine. I trust that some people don't share her opinion out there and those that do are free to disagree.