Saturday, January 28, 2012

What if its close?

Maybe this is the end, all down hill from here? What if it's something more than a bad headache? What happens if I can't follow through on all the promises?

What if?

And what if not? Can't stop and paralyzed with wonder.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

It isn't my problem

I'll tell you what is and isn't my problem.

My problem is what prevents me from being where I am to where I want to be. If, on occasion, that involves me caring about somebody and needing to help them (even strangers) I may pause on my path and adjust what to do first. This is my personal choice.

It is not my problem if somebody else can't find a ride to my wedding... unless it is my to be husband, parents or minister. It is not my problem if some over protective parent decides to sign their kids up for way too many after school activities and wants to but can't fit in something I am offering. It is not my problem if the world going to come to an end when you think it might or might not and does or does not take everybody but you.

This is, yet again, one of those obviously ridiculous and completely inane statements that you never even thought you would find yourself re-reading more than less than once. But there it is, and still relevant because of the moment in which you find yourself.

What is more, 'the end is nigh' is somehow translated in the eyes of believers to 'the end of times'. Once again, let us define what is god and the end of exactly what. Time will not end as it is a completely abstract concept that carries with it some sort of finite hint of a beginning and therefore an end... relatively speaking. But relative to what? This is the question. It comes back to the idea that we are the supreme beings. That humans are the center of the universe and all revolves around us.

This concept flies in the face of so much actual physical proof to the contrary that it is not worth even perpetuating this myth. Oh, but except there are enough people to believe it that we keep bringing it back again and again, perpetuating the greatest lie of all time.

Let us regroup now. How ultimately significant is it to know if we are the product of a divine spirit and therefore the most important of gods creatures? As a life form onto its own it is our individual responsibility to ensure the continuation of the species. It is the role of any and all life forms to try and perpetuate its own existence. Same goes for the amoebae, same goes for that snail that wants to cross a busy highway, same goes for me, same goes for avid church goers and, same goes for martyrs. The idea is that when you die you have to die for something or it was a waste of a life.

Life is sacred. This is not a problem, it is an obligation and a universal truth.

My problem is not that some people feel that they have the right to debate the validity of others' right exist.

My problem does not even begin until they either tolerate, encourage, or perpetrate judgement on entire groups of people simply based on their gender, race, religious convictions, or nationality.

Ultimately, it is a contradiction of the human prime directive to assume that any man or woman is so enlightened that they can, without a doubt, relay and act upon the will of god by taking away what was not given by or of them.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wow in the face of her

Went and had a coffee date with my favourite man today. Sat at a cafe and watched him devour a chocolate cheesecake as I pondered how to approach the article for the next issue SouthFields Village Voice.

The title is 'The end is nigh, hide your women' and really is about the rebirth of the divine feminine.

By all accounts something big is coming down the pipe. Strange things are happening that people are unable to explain, and with ever increasing urgency. Still, it does not mean that human life is about to be obliterated.

So, I say to this lady in the cafe: pardon me (she was reading so I figured she was an 'intellectual' of sorts). But, how many women profiled in one magazine is too many. I explained why the question and her response was: god help us if that is the case. Women were not meant to rule. We are good at many things but holding positions of power over men is not one of them.

I was struck at this thought. She went on to elucidate that men are our protectors and it is not our role to dominate. We are best in their servitude. I had to check my long calendar on my watch to find out what century we were living in.

I am not a militant feminist by any means but it is not about subjugation. For sure there are followers and leaders but true feminism is not about that. It is about being treated as a human first and not being prevented to be regarded as such simply because of your gender. It is not about pigeon holing yourself into a predefined role because we are the weaker sex.

I said to her: look at Sparta. It was the women who kept things running. In every culture when men go off to hunt women are left to defend the homestead, nurture, and care for the young. Never mind childbirth, etc. Her response: oh, I don't believe that. Men are off doing what men do and women are protected by god.

... huh? At best, is she saying that men are in no need or are simply not protected by god (by her own logic).

I smiled, said thank you and walked away.

But is this my audience or is this what the great flood was meant to wash away as it renews the earth for another few thousand decades?

In the course of our dialogue she said: the end is coming, that's for sure. But it won't be this December. It is up to god to decide when the end of times will come. ... in other words, not in my backyard, and I am going the heaven anyway... don't know about you my heathen.

Okay, I'm still writing about the divine feminine. I trust that some people don't share her opinion out there and those that do are free to disagree.

cyclical abandon

The world is a living organism that is continually cycling through rebirth, growth, mass destruction, and reinvention. Life forms rise and fall due to cataclysmic events.

Major innovations, discoveries and advancements are lost forever and changes are not always for the better.

People, individually, are insignificant and it is questionable how integral a life form may be in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps the only reason we have the ability to reason and create is to create a reason to continue existing until such time as we will not, as a race.

It is a natural function of any life form to perpetuate its own survival and as humans are the weakest of all living things, our ability to reason is the only thing that enables us to survive. This means that as a natural consequence we have the ability to decide, collectively that there is no point at all.

Going back to the idea of rebirth and recreation, and marrying it with the notion that we need to have something greater than ourselves to believe in, we create the notion of divinity.

Long, long ago humans devised the theory of a single divine creator. As long as ancient logic can determine, it was a single earth mother type of deal that birthed all existence out of a void, often depicted as her womb. Matricentric (a word that spell check wants to reject, and with little wonder) society was strong in many ways but not equipped to withstand force. Their sole military arm was in the form of the Amazons and there is question as to whether or not they were what they are professed to be anyway.

When greed and thirst for power arose the female communal norms could not stand up against the rise of a patriarchal, war-based system of power. To cement its dominance, the first order of business was to destroy what they could and to vilify and subjugate what they could not obliterate.

Naturally, to remove the woman from a role of strength and leadership it was necessary to destroy her. The idea of the Goddess was intolerable. The Greeks could not erase all traces of her from power so they change the order of existence. They re-wrote history, transforming the more powerful ones, like Hera into evil, jealous shrews and others into weak, proud,and vain creatures who lived for self-satisfaction.

Even amongst the male gods not all were equal. Struggle and strive, quest for supremacy became normal and divine.

But here is another theory. Perhaps the matriarchal pagan system was also predated by a monolithic, female centric one. There is no way to tell. It was too long ago. Still, there is ample evidence to suggest that the female deities who predate the Titans and Olympians where really splintered off from just one female form.

Is it not systemic of a patriarchal society to state that woman cannot be all things? She cannot be strong, just, nurturing, self-sufficient, wise, sensual, creative, determined, and engineering, all in one! For a patriarchal society to gain any sort of legitimacy they had to prove that no one woman could be strong enough to replace an army of men, nor that it took an army to replace her.

Though Zeus birthed without a female counterpart this never indicated that he could do without women. He, the greatest of all the gods, was lustful, jealous, and punitive. His female counterparts were all his weaker.

Some say that the dawn of a new era is at hand. They predict that the 2012 winter solstice will herald the rebirth of the divine feminine. Others cite a quickening of the planetary pulse as impetus for cataclysmic change that will reshape life as we know it. Many will not survive and we are powerless to change is, just as pre-Hellenic society could not stop the onslaught of change that would last tens of thousands of years. Just as the dinosaurs and 70% of aquatic life forms did not survive that massive meteoric assault. It is impossible to assume that change is not upon us. But what is there to do about it?

Only one thing. You cannot change what is not within your grasp. So do that. Grasp those you love and love them. Be grateful for every millisecond that you have with those whom you love and who love you unconditionally. That is all you have. Breathe them in and hold those moments in your minds' eyes. When you touch them - when they touch you, think only of them and forget everything else.

Do you believe in the power of positive energy? Forget all that. Live only in the power of that moment. That energy. That energy is the only thing that matters. It has no polarity. No gender. No self-awareness. It just is. It is life's force and the only thing that unites all living things as existing and the only legitimate reason to fight for anything.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Freyda Tartak is wonderful

I am. It's true. I'm awesome. I'm not overstating things. I've accomplished a lot these past few years and I'll accomplish even more in the next bunch.

Finally things are starting to settle down. Beyond the dust I see that all the little things I've done before really do make sense and I do have all the answers I need right here.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

illiteracy amongst us

Today I had a conversation with this guy who used the phrase 'speak your opinion'. I opined that this was not proper English and we got into a very awkward discussion of sorts. Now I don't know exactly why but I know I'm right. I wish somebody would help elucidate this conundrum.

maybe I'm wrong. I have been before. maybe I can't remember his exact wording. maybe I'm right.

he's still arrogant.

How turned me into a writer

There are a many ways to get started in writing. I used to think it involved education and although I have some, it isn't in this field. So, I make mistakes. A lot of them.
But before and Amazon's Create Space I did not think I would ever get published. I didn't think I could make a living at writing. Now I write. I write all the time and I get paid to do it.
I've written a book (Broken Axle Spinning Blind) that I am very proud of and I've sold articles through Helium. I also write for a local up and coming indy lifestyles magazine.
Life is good. I do think I have Helium to thank for it. It gave me the confidence to realize my dreams and with the new year upon us I can't think of a better time to give credit where credit is due.

For my loyal blog followers, thanks for reading. I did take a bit of break for a few months but will be more active this year.

I hope this year will be good to all of us but at the moment have nothing more to ask for.