As a person who spends quite a bit of time on the internet for both leisure and profit (though the scale is not tipped in favor of the latter at the moment), I like to keep track of how effectively I am spending my time. I also like to see if anything that affects me comes up. Google Alerts is not a perfect system but it does a fairly good job of keeping me informed.
Okay, so I have a Google Alert set for my neighbourhood and I get this email from a craigslist post. It is written by some guy and says that he, too, lives in my neighbourhood and finds 'me' alluring and sexually enticing and would like to know if if 'I' am interested and invites 'me' to contact him through email to see if we can gradually reveal 'ourselves' to each other. He says he knows 'I' am married and he is married, too. Remember, the reason I am seeing this is because it came through as a Google Alert from a craigslist post so I'm not at all clear why this lunatic thinks this chick is ever going to see it and why in the world she would respond to this. The average age of the neighbours isn't really cougar.
This is trolling for bush, in your bunny slippers, at the extreme end of laziness. He is casting a net through his bedroom window and hopes that it will land on something fuzzy.
All I'm saying is that the unfortunate sole must really be thinking that the potential fling's husband won't be reading craigslist.
I just don't get it but I'd love to know if it works for him.