For a while now I have started to realize that the big G is playing big brother. Web searches are not returning results the way they used to. Sitting in your pjs and fuzzy slippers behind a computer screen and doing an random search, you would think you would get results based on the search, not the location of your IP. But the big G has gotten smarter, in all its AI glory. It knows your habits and where you live and narrows down the search results to what it thinks you need to know, not what is out there. If you are lucky and resourceful enough you might accidentally stumble on something new but it will be an accident and good luck getting there on purpose.
Same goes for blogging. You may have something to say but watch that potty mouth. Spell out the word p or the name of its partner and all that will be left of your blog post is the title.
All you might have been trying to say is that the need to p is one of humanity's great commonalities; that the need to do it succeeds the need to kill, maim, engage in strife. But AI is a wonderful thing. It doesn't matter what you have to say, just watch your language.