There are few things that are harder for a parent to have to deal with than being unable to help their child stop screaming. It is heart wrenching. When your sweetheart starts wailing you usually know exactly what to do. You know if they need a new diaper, are hungry, thirsty, too cold, or too hot. You know if their are just tired and need a hug. When it comes to colic many people don't know what more they can do.
The leading literature on the subject leaves parents feeling even more helpless than before they started reading. It is said that nobody really understands colic or what causes it. This is a fallacy. There really are a few things that can be done. This isn't to say that there won't be those tough nights, when nobody will get much sleep. But, with following a few simple tips will make these few and far between.
Colic In A Nut Shell
It may be hard to crack the code of a baby's crying. The thing is, that if you've tried everything you could think of and have investigated with your health care practitioner to rule out any serious issues, then there are two possible causes: It is either the result of painful gas buildup in their tiny little tummy or early teething pains.
Preventing Cramping Due To Gas
Typically, parents feel that it is important to burp their baby after each feeding. The reason for this is that air bubbles typically form during the feeding and must be released. However, not every baby is easy to burp. The good news is that patting the baby on the back to get a burp is not the only way to release that bubble. In fact, a burp is not always necessary. The same effect can be achieved by simply rubbing the baby's back to help with digestion and making sure any air is disbursed.
What is more important than the burp is avoiding putting the baby down in a horizontal position too soon after the meal. Keeping the baby upright allows the milk to flow through without settling uncomfortably. This is possible to do even if they have fallen asleep.
Another thing that helps move the fluids and air around are regular baby massages. These are not elaborate, complicated, or difficult. It simply involves firmly but, gently moving the hand in circular motions from the center outwards. There are many websites that explore how to give a proper massage, as well as numerous classes that talk to the matter.
A Little Water
For a baby, a meal of milk is the same as a full four course steak dinner for an adult. Imagine eating that without having anything to drink after. A little bit of water will go a long way to help ease digestion and alleviate painful gas.
When Prevention Was Not Enough
Some babies are more colicky than others. This is because some people are more prone to gas build up than others. It could be the result of an intolerance milk products. If a drop or two of water has not helped, consider good old Gripe Water. It is made of fennel and is completely natural and safe to give the baby. A dose of Gripe Water is often all it takes to calm them right down.
Early Teething
Most people are not aware that teething can begin many months before you ever see a tooth. Considering that some babies are born with teeth, it is never too early for them to start experiencing discomfort and pain. Consequently, no remedy related to gas build up will be effective.
When it gets really tough, the baby may become so inconsolable that they don't know what they want. They'll ask to be picked up but, won't want to stay there. They'll be kicking and screaming and throwing themselves on the floor. They won't want a drink or food and it will even be a challenge to just keep them from hurting themselves because of all the thrashing about.
Fortunately, there is something on the market called Camilia. It is all natural and does not have any side effects aside from virtually instantly causing the baby to calm down. Even if the baby is not exhibiting any symptoms other than being obviously bothered, it could still be the teeth and there is no need to have anybody just grin and bear it.
There absolutely is something that can be done about a colicky baby. If they are still screaming after you have tried everything, go try something a little different. Babies never cry for no reason at all. The tricky part is finding the reason, and brushing it off as 'colic' is not a reason.