Toddlers are beautiful, energetic, needy, demanding, selfish little creatures that make it easy to forget what alone time really feels like. In fact, they are so good at monopolizing every free second that when you actually manage to get one, you probably sit down in stunned silence wondering what to do with yourself. Figuring out a way to steal back some "me" time is essential to regaining just a little bit of the sanity that you lost before baby brain took over.
Take Vitamins
Chances are that while you were pregnant and breastfeeding, you were taking pre/post natal vitamins. But maybe you stopped now that life has sort of gone back to normal. Making sure to eat right and supplement with multivitamins, as well as getting adequate exercise, are essential to being able to manage your day.
The key to alone time is being able to ease kids into some sort of routine. If you don't get them to bed at a reasonable time, then you won't have any time at the end of the night or in the morning. Kids wake up early and you'll still be tired from the night before. This means that you will be going through a perpetual cycle of catch-up.
However, routines take commitment and energy. It is all too easy to just throw in the towel and hope they'll wear themselves out if you are too wiped to force the issue. Staying alert and physically fit to kick them into gear requires putting your own physical needs a lot further ahead than last.
Get To Sleep
Many parents tend to stay up late to make up for a lack of adult time. However, kids are not the only ones that need a bed time. Routines are just as important for parents. Believe it or not, minimizing the amount of awake time improves your ability to wear them out. Let's face it, wearing kids out is an important aspect to finding "me" time.
Piggy Back Daycare
"Me" time doesn't have to mean alone and away time. It just has to be time where you can let down your guard a little bit. By arranging play dates you are doubling the number of eyes. Depending on where you go, you find yourself sitting back and enjoying conversation and coffee while the kids go wild in a bouncy castle.
If you are lucky enough to have friends or family with kids in the same age group, take turns watching each other's kids once in a while. Trading babysitting is a great way to get an hour or two off.
Register For Preschool Programs
Although many parents tend to shelter their kids, delaying exposure to peers until they are closer to three or four, kids as young as two can be placed in "on their own" programs where they can engage in play and you can leave the room. This will not only make it possible to get an hour or two alone, it will make things a lot easier come kindergarten. You can always tell which kids are a bit too attached to their caregivers because they waited too long to explore their independence.
Take Advantage Of Family
If you can, ask relatives or friends to babysit. As long as you don't do it all the time, most people will understand your need for a sanity break. Don't be shy about taking people up on their offer to give you a break once in a while.