So, I did a google search and then came to this blog to enter my musings of the morning only to find an ad for the company that I had just done a search for pop up on my blog ... creepy ...
No, really folks. Google is crossing the line. How about Google+ (no aliases allowed!) Even if you don't want to use Google, they'll find you and expose you.
My mind is reeling from the repercussions. Just imagine that poor woman trying to build a new life for herself and escape an abusive husband or a people in the eye witness protection program or political dissidents or ... you get the picture. But, some holier than though idealists in a padded office at Google central have decided that you cannot hide and you must be exposed.
Even those who try to escape an online presence will not be saved. Cross links are everywhere ...
We are all living in glass houses and it seems to me that the all-mighty Google is resting back and casting stones.
I say all this, typing it into Blogspot, a Google product.