The world is full of different kinds of people. Some are selfish, some are self contained, some are weak, some are passive, and some are driven to "give back".
For those that want to contribute, at some point you've got to wonder about the hidden agenda. Why do they do it?
The worst offenders are people who give everything of themselves and leave nothing for themselves. To me, it seems they are missing the whole point. Why is one person's life worth more than another's and what makes your life the one that should be sacrificed. What is this sense of duty? Unless.... There is always an unless. I guess on some level, I do understand.
After all, I am not above putting everything else first. I don't know why but it seems like these are things that need to be done. Then again, I sort of felt the same way about finishing that random game of Scrabulous on Facebook and staying up all night long to do it. Perhaps I am deeply misguided. Perhaps deeply disturbed. Perhaps both.
Anyway, everybody is asleep now and I should be too. Off to bed I go.