So here is a new community sitting at the top of Brampton and a bunch of folks full of big ideas. They want to live close to everything and still get all the perks of country life. Is is possible?
Exactly how sustainable is the notion that a subdivision located just north of Brampton won't be exactly like Brampton before too long? This is indeed an interesting social experiment.
Caledon has at its disposal a chance to either descend into the bowls of history repeating itself or learn from previous municipal mistakes. Mayfield West can either become Brampton, Bolton, or indeed an extension of Caledon charm... or it can be some crazy hybrid. This last option is much less likely than either of the first since people will naturally make it one over the other. In this situation there is only black and white.
For now they have formed a residents group to piggy back on the ideas of established Caledon communities such as Terra Cotta, Belfountain, Cheltenham, Inglewood, and Bolton. They even got themselves an official day and an interesting little rag called the SouthFields Village Voice.
There's a gal over there working like mad to get people into the right mindset because she is convinced in the power of the masses to sway the tides of history. We will just have to wait and see how it all pans out.
The resident's group seems to be off to a flying start with a couple of big issues raised at the last meeting and resolved in lightening fast fashion. In the end it will be up to the people who move there but here's a vote from an incurable romantic: Power to the people.