Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Confusion Marketing

Early on this year I finally got a Blackberry. It was a very exciting moment for me. All that functionality at my fingertips. I was excited. Unfortunately, not long after getting my Blackberry Bold (9000) things started to happen. Strange things. Bad things.

At first it was just a strange pressure in that spot right above the nose, between the eyebrows. Then, there came the burning feeling. A few seconds checking email and I felt like I had spent the day laying out in the sun. My face even started turning red.

Everybody thought I was making things up. I wasn't. The phone has a couple of neat little features. You can set it to turn off and on at a specific time and as soon as it would turn on I would know because I would feel it. I started turning it off unless I needed to make a call and then I discovered that if somebody sends you a meeting request and the reminder for the meeting comes on, the phone turns itself on. I found out because all of a sudden I felt it be on despite having turned it off.

So, anyway, busy life and too much to do and I went over the 30 day return period. So, after six weeks it turned into dealing with arrogant people telling me they'd never heard of these problems and I was out of luck.

Now, it is end of April and it's been four months. Suddenly the tone has changed. They aren't acting like they haven't heard of anything like it. Sounds to me like I'm not as crazy as they thought. A quick web search and at the risk of being accused of self-diagnosis, sounds like I have Electrosensitivity. Now there is a word that even the spell checker has a problem with.

Long and short of it is that even though an increasingly large number of people are suffering from it, it is not recognized as legit and attracts a huge amount of criticism. There is no shortage of cyberhate. Just check out these links for some samples of propaganda of those intimidated by the thought of somebody having a problem with the opium of the 21st Century.