So, I finally got on the bandwagon. A data phone! I love it. I can check ALL my email and find anything I want and be in touch with anybody, even update my blog and tweet, all from my phone. It's fantastic.
There is even this great application (WordMole). Completely addictive, let me tell you... and only available on Blackberry. Things seemed pretty cool. Even the camera is amazing. I can shoot videos and take better pics than on my actual camera.
Now, the bad part. A little while into getting the thing I started noticing headaches. A pressure on my upper sinus area. Now, my face feels like it is burning and I look like I've spent too much time out in the sun.
Not good. Can't be good. I go to the store and call Bell, Bell, Bell. I love calling Bell. They don't value anything other than their bottom line and the front line staff don't care about anything at all. So, they pass the buck and Best Buy doesn't want to or can't do anything either. They're just nicer about it.
Next stop? Let's call RIM and see what they say. I'll let you know....