Let's face it. Falcon Heene's little slip up about dear mommy and daddy telling him to stay hidden while the entire continent was having a collective heart attack looking for him was a cry for help. Pure and simple.
Children, despite their parents, often have an innate self preservation mechanism. Perhaps after all this stuff that their parents have allowed them to experience this was the straw that broke him down. Perhaps, even at six years old little Falcon must have realize that maybe his parents needed somebody to reign them in.
Children need structure and discipline. They need stability. They need to be taught that there are limits and which lines not to cross. They need to know what would happen if the wrong buttons are pushed, too hard.
Falcon had a long time to sit up in the attic of his folks' garage and think. But, perhaps it didn't come from the front of his mind. Most likely it was something within him that snapped. At six, he should have known better and realized how serious this was.
Well, even if he didn't know it. It doesn't matter. The point is that this was a serious prank. In these tough economic times it was a huge waste of tax payers' money. These people still think they are playing in a sandbox and somebody will come and sweep up when they are done. Well, the clean-up crew has arrived and it probably isn't exactly what the Heene's had banked on.