Yesterday she spent the day throwing up as I spent it helplessly trying to be of service.
All the while watching and waiting and hoping that it wouldn't affect anybody else.
Thankful that she wasn't having dry heaves.
Thankful each time that she leaned over the edge instead of needing another change of clothes.
I was running out of clothes.
Yesterday I went to bed early.
I couldn't tell if I was tired or sick.
Or sick and tired.
The day before yesterday everything was fine.
Today we had chicken noodle soup for breakfast and a big lunch.
Then HE got sick.
At least I didn't have to make dinner.
At least he threw up instead of just wanting to.
It's worse when you just want to.
Tonight they're all asleep.
Tomorrow maybe I'll be next.
Maybe I'll make a really long tonight so that tomorrow won't happen.
Each illness is unpleasant.
This isn't really illness if it passes in a day.