There is a basic flaw in Democracy where people are permitted to debate each other’s right to exist. The conflict in Israel is rooted in one side’s love of life and their belief that they have a right to exist and the other side’s disagreement on both points. One of the founding ideas of the Democratic process is that all people have a right to life. So, what we must really be debating here is if Jews are people.
All Israeli offensives are attempts to control random acts of terrorism against its people. Supporters of Hamas say they were firing rockets into Israel to protest an impossible situation created by the blockades. How quickly they disregard that the blockades were a last resort against both voluntary and involuntary martyrdom of civilians through suicide bombing attacks against Israeli heavily populated areas.
Traffic in and out of Gaza, including food and aid supplies, was being used to smuggle suicide bombers. Anti-Israeli supporters’ tolerance of the “Kill All Jews” doctrine, their condemnation of Israel’s efforts to guard against it, and world-wide tolerance for Hamas is nothing new. Democracy, by comparison, is fairly new. If we continue to condone and debate any group’s right to declare and attempt to carry out genocide, the struggle in the Middle-East will continue long after North America has ceased to be a place of equal rights for all.